Quality Management Policy
This policy sets out the APAC Journey Pty Ltd Quality Management Policy for staff employed at APAC Journey Pty Ltd.
This document applies to all:
APAC Journey Pty Ltd work locations.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd personnel.
Contractors carrying out work for the APAC Journey Pty Ltd.
Note: Contractors are responsible for ensuring they abide by this policy and undertake and maintain their own equipment, risk assessments and quality management whilst engaged to undertake work by APAC Journey Pty Ltd.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that APAC Journey Pty Ltd fulfil all the requirements of applicable Australian and International quality management Standards.
Senior Management Health & Safety Committee
Safety Officers Employees
Contractors Supervisors
Clients Health & safety Representatives
APAC Journey Pty Ltd employs a highly qualified and experienced team of staff including high level marketing, sales, information technology, compliance and administrative departments ensure the necessary staff support required to ensure meeting customer and staff requirements.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd has also developed a stringent Occupational Health & Safety system to ensure it meets the requirements of OH&S legislation in all states and territories across Australia. APAC Journey Pty Ltd engages a qualified OH&S consultant to support and audit the system on a regular basis. The system has been developed in line with AS4801/ISO45001, Occupational Health & Safety Management and the company has been audited to meet the criteria of the AS4801 standard for Occupational Health & safety.
Quality Management Policy
The purpose of the APAC Journey Pty Ltd Quality Management Policy is to support our business so that our services and services consistently and effectively meet customer expectations, applicable regulatory requirements and to provide a mechanism for continual improvement.
The Quality Management Policy provides a framework from which staff can make appropriate decisions whilst ensuring that applicable minimum standards are met. This document describes the Quality Management System and the roles and responsibilities within APAC Journey Pty Ltd for overseeing and implementing its components.
Key Processes
The process of managing the business is performed by the Senior Management Team who:
Defines the overall strategy of the business
Develops the company to meet business targets
Translates business strategy into business plans
Performs operational planning
Manages and improves business performance
Sets quality objectives and then manages and plans quality performance
Ensures the business continues to meet statutory regulations
Performs financial planning and management
The key processes of APAC Journey Pty Ltd are described below.
Sales Management – This process includes all sales planning activities, order handling, customer invoicing, and processing of customer complaints.
Operations Support – To support and ensure work to quality standards are maintained.
Supply – The Supply process incorporates the planning, supplier assessment, order placement, receipt and where required - inspection of goods, control of nonconforming components and the authorisation of payment to suppliers and contractors.
Information Technology – Involves the design, programming, maintenance and storage of information systems including both software and hardware.
Equipment Distribution – This process entails the customer order into a delivered finished service service to the customer’s premises. It involves storage of equipment, service, packaging, and delivery coordination.
Marketing – Marketing services and services involves the analysis of the marketplace and the development of strategies. These include competitor analysis, identifying customers, identifying market opportunities, and developing strategies relating to servicing customers.
Quality Records
APAC Journey Pty Ltd maintains quality records to provide evidence that quality requirements have been met and that the Quality system is working effectively. Procedures, work instructions and quality plans specify quality records to be produced and kept. Quality records are filled out legibly and are identifiable to a particular service, process or test item. Records are stored so as to be easily retrievable and to protect them from damage, loss or deterioration.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd has:
Identified the processes needed for a quality management system and their application throughout the company
Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that the operation and control of the processes are effective, and documented them in quality plans, work instructions and the Measuring, Monitoring and Analysis
Ensured the continuing availability of resources and information necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes
Established systems to monitor, measure and analyse these processes,
Established processes to identify and implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes
Documentation Requirements
All of the quality management system documents are controlled as follows:
Approving documents for adequacy prior to issue
Reviewing and updating as necessary and re-approving documents
Ensuring that changes and current revision status of documents are identified
Ensuring that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use
Ensuring that documents remain legible and readily identifiable
Ensuring that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled,
Preventing the unintended use of obsolete documents and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose
Quality records are maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management system. The records are maintained according to the Control of Quality Records Procedure. This procedure requires that quality records remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. The procedure defines the controls needed for identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of quality records. Records are kept in at the Offices of APAC Journey Pty Ltd.
Management Responsibility
Management reviews the Quality Management System at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the Quality Management System, including the quality policy and quality objectives.
The management review process includes a structure of meetings that take place weekly, monthly and quarterly. The weekly meeting is seen as an operational style meeting focused on short-term issues. The monthly meeting allows management to review performance related issues from month to month and the quarterly meeting focuses on the functioning of the overall Quality Management System, progress of objectives and trend development.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd management has been actively involved in implementing the quality management system. It has provided the vision and strategic direction for the growth of the quality management system, and established quality objectives and the quality policy.
To continue to provide leadership and show commitment to the improvement of the quality management system, management will do the following.
Communicate the importance of meeting customer, statutory, and regulatory requirements.
Establish quality objectives
Establish the quality policy.
Conduct quarterly management reviews.
Ensure the availability of resources.
Customer focus
APAC Journey Pty Ltd strives to identify current and future customer needs, to meet customer requirements, and to exceed customer expectations. Senior management ensures that customer requirements are understood and met, by requiring compliance with documented customer communication procedures. Customer requirements are determined, converted into internal requirements, and communicated to the appropriate people in our company.
Quality policy
Top management ensures that the quality policy is communicated to all employees. It is included in new employee training and training on the quality management system. Management reviews the quality policy at each management review meeting to determine the policy’s continuing suitability for our company.
Quality objectives are established to support our company’s efforts in achieving our quality policy and reviewed annually for suitability. Objectives have been established for the following; supplier performance, release of service, and customer feedback. Quality objectives are measurable, and reviewed against performance goals at each management review meeting.
The APAC JourneyPty Ltd Management team is committed to continually improving its processes, services and service. To focus attention in the right areas, APAC Journey Pty Ltd Management maintains a set of Quality Objectives. Management at APAC Journey Pty Ltd ensures that the integrity of the Quality Management System is maintained as changes to the business occur.
Responsibility, authority and communication
The company’s job descriptions are discussed and reviewed annually as part of the company’s performance assessment each year. Procedures and work instructions further define specific responsibilities and authorities. Apac Journey Pty Ltd Senior Management ensures that regular communication on the effectiveness of the Quality Management System takes place.
Processes are established for communication within the company. Methods of communicating the effectiveness of the quality management system include department and management meetings, management review, circulation of minutes of management review meetings, regular staff meetings and other informal communication.
Management review
Senior management reviews the quality management system quarterly at management review meetings. This review assesses the continuing quality management system suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, identifying opportunities for improvement and needed changes. Records are maintained for each management review meeting, generally documented in diary notes.
Assessment of the quality management system is based on a review of information inputs to management review. These inputs include the following:
Customer feedback
Process performance and service conformity
Company level quality data
Status of preventive and corrective actions
Follow-up actions from previous management reviews
Planned changes that could affect the quality management system
Recommendations for improvement
During these review meetings, management will identify appropriate actions to be taken regarding the following issues:
Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
Improvement of service related to customer requirements
Resource needs
Responsibility for required actions is assigned to members of the management team. Any decisions made during the meeting, assigned actions, and their due dates are recorded in the minutes of management review.
Resource Management
Provision of Resources
APAC Journey Pty Ltd has implemented a Quality Management Policy that complies with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. This implementation was achieved with management commitment and with sufficient resources for the implementation. Management determines and provides necessary resources to effectively maintain and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.
Human Resources
To ensure competence of our staff, job descriptions have been prepared identifying the qualifications required for each position that affects service quality. Qualifications include requirements for education, skills and experience. Appropriate qualifications, along with required training, provide the competence required for each position.
Qualifications are reviewed upon employment, when an employee changes positions or the requirements for a position change. The Compliance manager maintains records of employee qualifications. If any differences between the employee’s qualifications and the requirements for the job are found, training or other action is taken to provide the employee with the necessary competence for the job. The results are then evaluated to determine if they were effective. Training and evaluation are conducted according to the Training procedure.
Work Environment
A work environment suitable for achieving high work standard is maintained. Requirements are determined during quality planning and documented in the quality plan. The work environment is managed for continuing suitability. Data from the quality system is evaluated to determine if the work environment is sufficient for achieving service conformance, or if preventive or corrective action related to the work environment is required.
Service Realisation
APAC Journey Pty Ltd maintains a process to ensure that any new services or services are defined, planned, verified, launched and delivered consistent with customer specifications and expectations, quality objectives and any relevant statutory or regularly standards.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd Quality objectives include:
Customer specifications
Statutory standards
Resource requirements and Business Plans
Processes and documentation
Verifications, validation and monitoring
Inspection and test processes and certification requirements specific for acceptance by the customer
Records providing evidence of the realisation of the process meeting requirements.
Before APAC Journey Pty Ltd offer a service or accept a job, we ensure that:
We know the needs and requirements of the customer including pre and post-delivery activities and have all the necessary information;
We identify and define requirements not stated by the customer
We identify any Statutory and regulatory requirements
If it is a confirmed contract in response to our offer, it is identical to what we actually committed to;
If a contract or job is amended or changed it is reviewed to ensure that we accept the change; and
If it is accepted we ensure that every member of staff (or involved third party) who needs to know is provided with an authorised copy of the change details.
All critical specifications and contractual information is documented and retained in accordance with legislative and APAC Journey Pty Ltd requirements.
Other requirements as may be determined
Customer-Related Processes
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will review the service requirements prior to commitment to supply, which will include tenders, acceptance of contracts or orders, ensuring that review and actions arising from the review are documented.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will ensure it has the capability to deliver the service as per the requirements. Where the customer does not provide documentation, confirmation letters of the requirements will be forwarded to the customer in the form of a written proposal.
Where variations are required Apac Journey Pty Ltd will ensure that all documents are amended, staff advised and written confirmation of these variations forwarded to the customer in the form of an amended proposal, requiring acceptance prior to supply of the amended work.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd has implemented an effective procedure for communicating with customers in relation to:
Service Information
Enquiries, contracts and order handling, including amendments
Customer Feedback, including customer complaints
Design and Development
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will determine the most cost effective means of promoting its services to customers, responding to enquiries and processing of proposals, contracts and orders. APAC Journey Pty Ltd maintains a customer satisfaction monitoring and reporting process, linked to the Corrective Action process which includes customer feedback and system improvement elements to ensure our commitment to customer satisfaction is maintained and drives continuous improvement.
Process and Service Provision
Process and service characteristics are monitored to ensure conformance to specified requirements. The controls to be exercised and checks to be made are specified in Quality Plans and related procedures and instructions. All processes are carried out in an environment conducive to safety, efficiency and quality. Work areas are regularly cleaned and good housekeeping practices followed through in the workplace is of paramount importance and Health and Safety Regulations are strictly enforced.
Equipment used during the project is selected, approved and maintained by staff and Managers. Maintenance is carried out by suitably qualified Apac Journey Pty Ltd staff or by approved subcontractors. Where required, processes are carried out in compliance with applicable Standards, Regulations and Codes.
Staff responsible for performing and verifying processes are suitably qualified and trained. Records of qualifications and training are maintained in training and skills records. The services carried out, parts replaced and checks performed are all recorded in the Service system. For services provided other than under warranty, the customer receives a detailed invoice listing all parts used and work done. Service records are analysed and regularly reviewed with the aim of improving long-term service reliability. All services are inspected and tested in accordance with documented procedures and instructions.
Measurement, Analysis & Improvement
APAC Journey Pty Ltd has planned and implemented the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes as needed
To demonstrate conformity of the service,
To ensure conformity of the quality management system,
To continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
These processes are identified in documented procedures and include determination of applicable methods, including statistical techniques, and the extent of their use.
Monitoring and Measurement
As one of the measurements of the performance of the quality management system, Apac Journey Pty Ltd monitors information relating to customer perception as to whether the company has fulfilled customer requirements.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will conduct internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the quality management system:
Conforms to the planned arrangements, to the requirements of this International Standard and to the quality management system requirements established by the company
Is effectively implemented and maintained.
An audit program identifies an audit schedule based on the importance of the areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits. The audit criteria, frequency, methods, responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, and for reporting and maintaining results, will be defined and documented in an Internal Audit procedure.
The management responsible for the area being audited is responsible for ensuring that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. Follow-up activities include the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of verification results.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd applies suitable methods for monitoring and, where applicable, measurement of the quality management system processes. These methods demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned results. When planned results are not achieved, correction and corrective action is taken, as appropriate, to ensure conformity of the service.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd monitors and measures the characteristics of the service to verify that service requirements are fulfilled. This is carried out at appropriate stages of the service realization process identified in Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Service Realisation Processes. Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria is maintained. Records indicate the person authorising release of the service. Service release and service delivery does not proceed until all the planned arrangements have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority, and where applicable by the customer.
Analysis of Data
APAC Journey Pty Ltd determines, collects and analyses appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system and to evaluate where continual improvement of the quality management system can be made. Appropriate data includes data generated as a result of monitoring and measurement and from other relevant sources.
The analysis of data provides information relating to:
Customer satisfaction
Conformance to service requirements
Characteristics and trends of processes and services including opportunities for preventive action
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system through the use of the quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and management review. Apac Journey Pty Ltd will take action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence. Corrective actions are appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. APAC Journey Pty Ltd will:
Review nonconformities (including customer complaints),
Determine the causes of nonconformities,
Evaluate the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur,
Determine and implement action needed,
Keep records of the results of action taken, and
Review corrective action taken.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd determines action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence. Preventive actions are appropriate to the effects of the potential problems.
APAC Journey Pty Ltd will:
Determine potential nonconformities and their causes
Evaluate the need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconformities
Determine and implement action needed
Keep records of results of action taken
Review preventive action taken
Quality Management Policy Distribution and Control
APAC Journey Pty Ltd is responsible for the issue of the Quality Management Policy and for ensuring that all changes are recorded and approved to the Quality Management Policy.
The Quality Policy is not confidential and copies may be issued to individuals or companies who have a genuine need to understand the Company’s Quality Policy and Quality System. Uncontrolled manuals may be issued to any person or company by Management. These manuals will not receive update issues and have the title page marked as ’UNCONTROLLED COPY’.